| 1. | The sun was beating down on our heads . 太阳直射在我们的头顶上。 |
| 2. | The wheat had been beaten down by the rain . 麦子被雨打倒了。 |
| 3. | The sun beat down on his neck and on his shoulders . 火辣辣的太阳照在他的脖子和肩膀上。 |
| 4. | At noon the sun beat down on our heads as we walked home . 我们中午回家时正是烈日当头。 |
| 5. | Every attempt to expand the agenda is beaten down . 每一次扩大议程项目范围的尝试都受到挫折。 |
| 6. | She would be beaten down . 她会屈膝求饶。 |
| 7. | The waves leaped up, one at the other's heels and beat down on the beach with an angry roar . 波涛一个接一个汹涌而起,然后摔落在海滩上,发出愤怒的轰鸣。 |
| 8. | Again the blue-white scar jagged above them and the sulphurous explosion beat down . 他们头上又裂开了一道蓝白色锯子状的口子,带着硫磺味的霹雳声又猛地打将下来。 |
| 9. | He was entitled in an hour of triumph to the limelight that had so pitilessly beaten down on him through all his adversities . 在胜利的时刻,他出风头是当之无愧的,但他遭到厄运的时候也未曾逃脱照明灯无情的照射。 |
| 10. | And the sun beat down on jonah ' s head , and he fainted 日头曝晒约拿的头,他就发昏。 |